The Laboratory Mission is to develop, evaluate, and disseminate neurolinguistically-motivated and evidence-based assessments and treatments for speech sound disorders. 

Dr. Jonathan Preston directs the Speech Production Laboratory. He is a certified speech-language pathologist whose research involves assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders, including persisting articulation difficulties and childhood apraxia of speech. He has done work on the neurobiological basis of speech sound disorders in children. His biography and list of research publications can be found here.

Funding for the laboratory has come from:

  • National Institutes of Health grants
    • R01DC020959 (J.Preston, PI)
    • R03DC012152 (J. Preston, PI)
    • R15DC016426 (J. Preston, PI)
    • R15DC019775 (E. Hitchcock, PI)
    • R01DC013668 (D. Whalen, PI)
    • R01DC017476 (T. McAllister, PI)
  • Gerber Auditory Research Grant (J. Preston, PI)
  • Apraxia-Kids (E. Murray, PI)
  • Syracuse University College of Arts & Sciences